Discovering and Developing Hidden Talents, Compassion, Love, Generosity, Altruism
Nurture feelings of love and brotherhood. Ground and revitalize your energy fields. Heal emotional shock, wounds, and scars. Move forward with compassion and strength. Let Rhodonite bring you deep emotional peace!
Chakra: Root, Heart
Elements: Earth, Fire
Numerology: 9
Zodiac: Taurus, Aries, Leo
Structure: Hardness of 5.5-6.5 MOH
Crystal Origin: Rhodonite deposits are found in Australia, Canada, Finland, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, Tanzania, and the United States.
Affirmation: I trust my inner talents to be of benefit for humanity.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Rhodonite is one of the most powerful stones for love and healing. It is a heart-centred stone that teaches us that our greatest potential is attained by loving as deeply and purely as possible. It invites us to love ourselves, to love the people close to us, to love our community, to love newcomers and strangers, and to simply love all the world. It shows us that when we love, we become a Light Bringer who raises the vibration for one and all. Rhodonite gently reminds us to follow the Golden Rule and to love our neighbours as ourselves. It is a wonderful tool for enhancing love and compassion-based meditations and prayers. It is equally fantastic for anything related to community healing and well-being. Rhodonite inspires generosity, forgiveness, and inclusiveness.
Emotional Healing Properties
Rhodonite is possibly the very best emotional healer in the crystal kingdom. Its soothing energy heals recent emotional wounds as well as old emotional scars. It can help us to make sense of pain caused by our closest loved ones as well as by strangers whose actions have negatively impacted us. Rhodonite gently guides us to forgiveness and peace, both for ourselves and for others. It also helps us to find or re-discover that calm and happy centre inside ourselves. It is particularly helpful if we need to explore questions of self-worth and confidence. If our sense of self has been damaged, Rhodonite helps us to see ourselves clearly and compassionately and to stop believing the old lies. If we are in a good place in life, it asks us to generously help those around us so that they too can rise up. It wisely reminds us to give respectfully so that we maintain the other person’s sense of dignity. It helps us to give like a peer and a friend, rather than magnanimously from upon high. It reminds us that everyone we meet is our brother or sister. Rhodonite attracts those people who can best help us or whom we can best help.
Mental Healing Properties
Rhodonite invites us to live and think from a heart-centred perspective. It helps us to understand both sides of any issue and to be merciful in our judgments. If a situation has become chaotic or terrible, Rhodonite sooths and calms so that we can find our peaceful centre again. It helps us to keep a cool head, especially when we find ourselves emotionally triggered. It helps us to distinguish between actual reality and the negative beliefs and feelings that have been triggered. Rhodonite gently reminds us to not believe every negative thought or feeling just because it is in our head, it does not automatically make it real. It asks us to constantly check in with reality and respond wisely with love. Rhodonite can help us lift ourselves out of patterns of anxiety and depression and helps us to see the silver lining in otherwise dark clouds.
Physical Healing Properties
Rhodonite is recommended for anyone who has suffered a major trauma, either recently or in the past. If the trauma was recent, Rhodonite is an exceptionally comforting stone to hold while our body heals. It helps protect our mind, so that even if our body has scars from the trauma, our mind can heal as cleanly as possible. If the trauma was in the past, Rhodonite can help us to see how that trauma is still affecting our body and mind in the present. For example, we may have developed autoimmune disorders or perhaps a mental health issue such as PTSD, anxiety or depression. We might also have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms to numb the pain, such as an eating disorder, substance abuse or other forms of self-harming. Rhodonite helps us to recognize when this has happened and to gently shift our beliefs and actions so that full healing is possible. It offers us comfort and patience while we heal. It promises us that the pain of the past can be healed and that a happy future is within our grasp.