Lets Get Started

Crystals for beginners can be a bit overwhelming, trust me I know! If you're new to the world of crystals it can seem totally confusing at first. There's the terminology, the hundreds of different types of crystals with names you've never heard of, and then of course, healing properties, and how to use them! 

It can be challenging to believe and fully comprehend things that not all people are able to see or feel, like the energy of crystals. This seemingly complex process of how crystals work can be easily explained in three sentences:

  • Anything that you focus on or put your energy into expands.
  • Energy follows intentions and thought.
  • Crystals amplify intentions.

But don’t worry, once you’ve reached the end of this page, you’ll know everything you need to get started at least. But if not, take a look around the site for tons of other helpful crystal info! Each of the 'collection' pages has more info as well. 



The first records of crystals being used for healing and magic are from ancient Sumer, in modern-day Iraq. This civilization flourished between 4500 and 2000 BC. 

The philosopher Plato, writing in the 4th century BC, describes their legendary use in the lost city of Atlantis where they were employed, among other things, for healing and telepathic communication. 

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all used crystal healing and magic, and writers such as Galen and Pliny the Elder advised that crystals should be worn as a form of medicine for specific ailments.

The rise of science caused belief in the power of crystals to decrease. In the 19th century, however, a rebirth in interest among writers and artists made the subject popular again. 

There are even mentions of several crystals and stones in the Bible, so you do not need to fear crystals if you are religious!



The majority of crystals are found in the earth’s crust, this is where they are formed through being exposed to a variety of conditions - heating, cooling, pressure and moisture are the main contributing factor in the formation of crystals. These factors in the environment surrounding a growing crystal will have an impact of the shape in which it grows.

Some crystals are formed inside bubbles of gas, but these grow inward - from the outside to the inside of the bubble. Others are formed between layers of rock.



Certain countries are renowned for their crystal mines and some even have their own unique crystal offerings, here’s a list of countries:

Africa,  USA,  Australia,  Brazil,  Afghanistan,  Mexico,  Canada,  Uruguay,  China,  Russia,  Madagascar

Those are just a few of the most popular countries, there are plenty more across the globe.



Apart from being a stunningly beautiful natural phenomena, crystals are geological formations that occur in nature and have a ‘periodic arrangement’ (the elements that make it up) of their constituent atoms. This arrangement is often evident in the macroscopic shape as an object with flat surfaces and sharp angles, although this is not always the case. 

The value of using a crystal as a healing or magical tool is that its structure allows it to absorb energy, kind of like a battery. This energy can then be used to enhance your energy work or give your home a better atmosphere.

Each crystal has a different vibration or frequency that you can easily see in its colour. This makes it very easy to choose which crystal is best for the specific purpose you have in mind. 

The crystal captures the light that you don't see and reflects the light you do. In this sense, we can say that the stone will be a source of light visible to the naked eye. 

White light contains all the colours, but a yellow stone filters out the other colours and 'distils' the light into a pure yellow. The 'energy' radiated by the crystal then manifests as yellow light. 

A dark crystal absorbs most of the light it receives. This kind of gem draws in negative energy protects the wearer from its bad influence. We've all had the experience of entering a space where the light gives you an uncomfortable feeling. This energy will be absorbed by wearing a dark stone, instead of it entering into your personal energy field. 



While crystals have been used for a huge variety of purposes throughout history, here are some of the most important ones and probably the ones you will find the most useful.

Anxiety and Stress Relief 

Many crystals radiate a feeling of calm, particularly those with smooth and rounded exteriors. Jade is widely used in Asia for its calming green and emerald tones. Having some jade ornaments or stones in your home can help to keep you calm and centred.

Alleviation of Aches and Pains

Stones and crystals have been used for centuries for healing work. Amethyst, for example, was used in ancient Egypt as a healing stone and is still used today for everyday aches, pains, headaches, and other common ailments. 

Energy and Motivation

Brightly coloured crystals such as Citrine can lift your energy levels and turn negative thoughts into positive inspiration and happiness.  

Enhance Intuition 

If you are seeking to connect with higher spiritual realms some stones, such as Lapis Lazuli or Angelite can be extremely effective in expanding your consciousness and allowing you to reach out with your intuition to ask for guidance or help.

Inspiration and Creativity

Some crystals are naturally inspiring and having one near while painting, composing or writing can clear the mind and allow creative thoughts to come through. 



Crystals are used to align the body’s energies and are frequently associated with the Chakras and will more than likely be used during a Reiki session. For aligning the Chakras and healing, crystals are placed on the body in various places, while the person being healed lays still and calm with their eyes closed in a meditative state.

Each of the Chakras is associated with a different colour and part of the body:

Root Chakra - Red - The base of the spine, the coccyx

Sacral Chakra - Orange - Lower abdomen, below navel

Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow - Stomach, above navel

Heart Chakra - Green - The heart, centre of the chest

Throat Chakra - Blue - Centre of the throat

Third Eye Chakra - Indigo - Over the third eye, in the centre of the forehead

Crown Chakra - Violet - Top of the head

The crystals used for each Chakra usually stick to the colouring of the chakra and their vibrations link with the area of the body.



This is way easier than you might think. In fact, most healers and crystal enthusiasts agree that it is the crystal that chooses you and not the other way around!

Here are a few ways to get started.

Pick out the stone that looks the prettiest or seems to be speaking to you in some way. Don't overthink it. Keep it beside you the next time you are meditating or healing. Try it for a day or two and see how it feels.

Look up the healing properties of a crystal and then pick the one you need. 

If you know something about Chakras, look for a crystal that is known to resonate with the particular energy centre you want to work with.



Here are our top seven personal favourites for crystal beginners, in no particular order. 


This amazing crystal, used for centuries, will bring calm and peace to your spiritual work as well as promote healing and regeneration. Corresponds to your Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Assists with relaxation and sleep. Keep by your bed for a restful night and sweet dreams.

Clear Quartz

Perfect for meditation and clearing your thoughts. Also a healing crystal. Hold or gaze at the crystal while setting your healing intention. Corresponds to the Crown Chakra.

Rose Quartz

Looking for love or to rekindle an existing relationship? Rose Quartz is the crystal of love and romance and corresponds to your Heart Chakra. Wear it as a necklace close to your heart or use it in your meditation as you set your positive intentions. 

Black Tourmaline

Most dark stones offer protection by absorbing negative energy. Black Tourmaline excels at this and corresponds to your Root Chakra. Carry it with you always or when you are entering a negative place or situation. Place next to electronics in your home to absorb electromagnetic forces. 


This bright crystal gives confidence and focus to your creative and professional endeavours. It corresponds to your Solar Plexus Chakra. 


This extremely powerful crystal is perfect for meditating and corresponds to your highest, or Crown Chakra. 


This wonderful stone gives you the courage to speak your truth and empowers your communication on every level. It corresponds to your Throat Chakra. 



It’s important to take proper care of your crystals, particularly if you are using them a lot. 

Everyone talks about cleaning, charging and clearing crystals but do you know how to clear crystals and where to begin? To receive all of the benefits of your crystals, it is important to clear them on a regular basis. Understanding why, when and how to clear your crystals will allow you to deepen your connection and expand your usage with your healing stones.

Crystals from the mineral kingdom serve as an important aid in spiritual, physical and emotional health. Each stone may be set with specific intentions or used for various purposes as a means of holistic healing. When we use crystals in this manner, the crystals transform the necessary energy and vibrations to carry out our intentions. But what happens afterwards? It is time to clear your crystals! Clearing crystals, or cleansing them, is a crucial step in the care and usage of healing crystals.


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