Programming and Connecting to Crystals


After cleansing your stones, if you wish to use your stones for a specific purpose, beyond their general characteristics, you will need to program them. Intention and focus are key when programming crystals for particular task, such as healing, protection, and or activation of chakras, among others. Intention is in your program, but it, combined with focus, is also how you place your program into your crystal. You also need focus when creating the program for your crystal.



An important thing to remember when you are programming your crystals is that your stone must be compatible with the purpose you have in mind for it. For example, you don't want to try to attract something with a stone such as Black Tourmaline, which is mostly known for repelling negative energies. However, if you are trying to stave off the negative vibes coming from your unhappy co workers, Black Tourmaline is ideal. If you're trying to improve your intuitive abilities, working with Amethyst or Prehnite would be appropriate. Of course, these are just a few examples. The Crystal Index on many of our items can help you determine the best uses for various stones.



 There are a few different methods of programming crystals, although not as many as there are for cleansing crystals. In fact, most methods of programming are really variations of one method. No matter which method you use to program your stones, they all have intention and focus as the main component. To this end, you must be sure that you know exactly what it is you desire before you attempt to program the crystal. I suggest writing out your purpose on a piece of paper and then refining it further until you feel like it is exactly what you are trying to achieve. Be specific. When you are ready to program your crystal, be sure you are focused and your intention is clear.

Once your stone has been cleared and you have your specific purpose in mind, now you can set about the task of programming. Some crystal-lovers choose to "pre-program" their stones before doing the programming for the actual task at hand. Pre-programming would involve a function such as the following: "To accept programming only for Divine purpose and for the highest good of all", or "To reject any negative vibrations that may come in contact with this crystal". Other people who work with crystals do these as a "sub-programs" instead, by placing these types of programs after the original program has been placed into their stone. It may benefit you to have these sub or pre programs on that piece of paper along with your main program.

The methods that follow can all be elaborated upon, to make them "feel right" to you. You can add candles or soft music if you like. You can even write a sort of script (beyond the original purpose) to help focus the intention of your program while you're speaking or thinking it. Whatever vibes with you is what will work the best for you. Be sure to find a quiet space in which to work before you begin. Some crystal-lovers prefer to ask for guidance when programming their stones. You choose where to direct your request based on your beliefs. For instance, if you are Buddhist, you might ask for Buddha's assistance while programming your crystal, with a prayer if you like, or during meditation. If you are Christian, you might invoke the aid of Arch Angels and or Jesus Christ.

It is very important to remember that any crystal program should include a statement that the program is to work for the highest good. This little "disclaimer" acts as a buffer against any wording mistakes you might make, especially when you first start to work with crystals. It can also protect you in case it turns out, unbeknownst to you, that your program is ultimately not in your own best interest. We've all heard the story of someone who wishes and wishes that they had a promotion, only to find out that their promotion was the result of someone close to them losing their job. Hopefully, your program is clear and concise enough to avoid this type of snafu, but this is your fail-safe subprogram. Some people choose to program all their crystals with this basic function, even if they never make a specific program for it in the future.


Meditation with Visualization:

Meditation is a common method of programming crystals. To do this, you sit in a quiet environment, where you will not be disturbed, with your crystal in your hands. Think about your purpose for the stone while holding your stone either in your bare hands or in a cloth. Have the paper with your desired program written on it in front of you if you wish. Visualize what it would be like to have your desire fulfilled. Get yourself in the meditative state, and then focus your program into your crystal. Repeat the program in your head over and over again, until you feel the crystal has adequately absorbed your program. Use your intuition. This may be difficult at first, but continue to practice, and you will find that it becomes easier with practice.

Meditation with Breath:

Follow the instructions in the previous method, but with a twist. Once you feel that you are in an established meditative state, focused and with your intention in mind, you bring your cupped hands, with the crystal in them, up to your mouth. You then blow on your stone with your program in mind. You literally "breathe" your program into your crystal.

Meditation with Third-Eye Beaming:

Also following the instructions in the first method, you get yourself to the point where you are sufficiently quiet and focused, with your intention in mind. At this point, you then bring your cupped hands up to your face at about eye level, and then imagine that you are "beaming" your program into the crystal via your third-eye. Continue to do this until you feel satisfied the program is within your crystal.

Meditation with Reiki & other Subtle Energy Techniques:

Follow the instructions in the previous method, but with a twist.  Once you feel that you are in an established meditative state, forefront of your mind. Intend your program into the crystal. Continue this method until the energy sensations in your hands die down, or you feel that the stone is sufficiently programmed. This method of programming works with other modalities of healing energies as well, not just Reiki. If you're an energy worker, experiment a bit and see what comes of it!

Some believe that once a crystal has been programmed, it shall remain in that state for about 28 days (one lunar cycle), or until you cleanse the stone and reprogram it, whichever comes first. An alternative to this is the idea that a Crystal that is programmed for a more active purpose will need to be reprogrammed sooner, while one that has a more passive program will retain its program for a longer period of time.

Here are a couple of examples to help you determine when to reprogram:

  1. If you programmed a Clear Quartz Cluster in your office to send high vibrations into the room for the purpose of helping to raise the energies of your coworkers so they can work together as a cohesive group, that cluster will need to be reprogrammed after a particularly difficult week. However, if everything has been pretty smooth during that first week after programming the cluster, you might wait another week or so before reprogramming it.
  2. If you've programmed a single Smokey Quartz pendant that you wear every day, for protection against negative energies, it would be a good idea to cleanse and reprogram this piece every evening. Most pendants should be cleared daily because they are not only exposed to negative vibes around you, but they also have a tendency to absorb energies from the wearer.

As a general rule of thumb, stones that are programmed and left in place to do their job can hold their program much longer than crystals that are carried, worn, or used during energy work. Crystals used for energy sessions (such as Reiki) should be cleared after each patient and programmed for the next.

With each of the methods above, intent, focus, and clarity are vital to the successful programming of your crystal. As you become more adept at programming your crystals, you will find a way that works best for you and is uniquely your own. These methods will evolve with your own experience and growth. Keep an open mind and you will find more and more ways in which to work with your crystals. Happy programming!



Having trouble feeling the energy of your crystals?

Longing to be so high vibe that you instantly feel a spark or intuitive hit when one of these sparkling gems (pun intended) catches your eye or touches you?

Have you tried everything to make it work and still can’t feel crystal energy?

Don’t worry. You aren’t alone. I hear it repeatedly in every form, all meaning I can’t feel crystal energy. There are some really great ways to do this listed here and if you have tried these crystal energy techniques and still feel stuck I’m going to teach you some other ways (because just like everything in life, there is a solution that fits you).



We each carry our own unique energy vibration/frequency. This may change or alter at any given time, and often does. We may be having a great day (raising energy vibration), we may be feeling blue (lowering energy vibration), we may join a group (our energy will raise or lower depending on the overall group energy). The first goal is to understand your own energy vibration and the slight changes that may occur in any given situation.

Those who are sensitive to energy usually can "feel" the energy emanating from a crystal (or a tree, or another person, etc). They are aware of energy shifts in their bodies (physical, emotional, etheric).

Crystal energy can be something as subtle as a cool or warm sensation. It could be the same type of feeling you get when your hand goes to sleep. It may feel like pin pricks or a little electrical shock. And, it may feel like... nothing.

The majority of people may not feel or be aware of these energies. Is this bad? Of course not! No two people or their experiences are exactly alike in any respect. At least not in this human form we currently find ourselves in.

The challenge, as I see it, is this:  we feel the need to compare ourselves to one another. To compare our experiences to others. And this is the point where we become frustrated. Our ego may whisper in our ear. We ask, "Why them (or her, or him, etc)? Why not me?" We effectively limit our experiences because we choose to think we cannot do the same.

Stop comparing! Find your own unique way of connecting with your crystals. Choose crystals based on what you are drawn to, not what someone else tells you that you must have. This is your experience. Make the most of it!



I believe that you are a divine being, created directly from Source. Call it God, Unconditional Love, Goddess, Divine Energy — whatever works best for you. During this creation process, you were able to choose certain lessons and experiences you wanted to have/learn on this particular human journey. There were also a variety of tools that were available for you to choose from as well. Tools?

I have always believed that each of us bring a toolbox of sorts on this journey. We have many different "tools" that we can access. Some may choose to use the tool of psychic ability.  They want to see auras, spirits, etc. So they access this "tool" from the box to help accomplish this specific job. Others may choose clairaudience (hearing). Still others pull out the tools for healing. No two creations choose the same exact tool box.

The tool does not do the job for you. It assists. You do not just pick up the tool and know automatically how to use it. The first time you use it, you might feel awkward and clumsy. You need to know how to work the tool, how to use it to gain the best results. So you read the instructions and learn how to use the tool. You practice with the tool so that you can become proficient in its use. The tool, in itself, is not the answer. How you choose to use the tool is.

As with many things, you need to practice, practice, practice. You may be feeling the energy all along, but just not putting two and two together in your head. The energy may be so subtle that there is no noticeable difference. That does not mean the energy is not there. It just means that you will need to practice in order to make it the connection.



Faith is a belief with strong conviction; a firm belief in something for which there may be no tangible proof; complete trust.

Trust is having faith in the unseeable. Know that it is there, even though you may not be able to see or feel it. There can be no doubt. Trusting in Source and Self is huge! With trust, boundaries and self-limitations can crumble.  If you doubt that you can feel crystal energies or you doubt that crystals will help to ease an issue, more than likely they won't. It is not they do not "work", it is more likely that you doubt they will. Doubt is ego's way of keeping you in check.

I know a lady who has owned a crystal shop for over 30 years. She loves her crystals. However, she recently shared with me that she had never been able to "feel" the energy of any crystal, save one many years ago. She simply has complete trust and faith that the crystal energy surrounding her keeps her healthy, abundant and protected. She never questions this in any way. And for her, it works perfectly!



An acquaintance of mine wants to see auras. This is a tool that is available in her toolbox, so she has decided to utilize it. She practiced by sitting in front of a mirror in the dark, just her head and neck showing. She did exactly as instructed. Let her eyes go out of focus while lazily staring at the top of her head. The first few times, nothing. Then, one day she simply let go of any preconceived notions, what others had said she should see, and low and behold, what could only be described as a white energy field appeared about two inches from the top of her head. It outlined her body. She was open for whatever would come and she trusted (had faith) that she would be able to see what some considered unseeable.

The funny thing is that as soon as she made a comment or acknowledged what she was seeing, it disappeared. Ah, danged ego!

She continues to practice and now, after some time, she can see a bit of colour. I have no doubt that with more practice, she will continue to grow in this area.

You can do it too!

If you cannot "feel" the energy emanating from your crystals, use the suggested exercises below to practice, practice, practice. The mind is very powerful. Doubt is simply the ego challenging you. Have faith, trust and believe that your crystals can and do work for you.

Crystals, you see, are simply another tool for you to use in your growth. They are not a cure-all. But with time, practice and trust (in your crystals AND yourself), I have no doubt that they can work for you.



Sit comfortably, at a desk is preferable (you will need a table in front of you for part two).

Part one of this exercise is designed for feel only:

Clap your hands and rub them firmly together. Place your hands about an inch apart, palms facing each other. Focus on the space between your hands. What do you feel?

Move your hands another inch apart. Do you still feel the same sensation? Is it stronger or weaker?

Move your hands another inch apart. Concentrate on the energy flow between the hands. Has the sensation subsided or is it still present?

Continue to move your hands further apart until you can no longer feel the energy.

Part Two of this exercise is for visual as well as feel and is best if done in a darkened or dimly lit room:

Lay a dark coloured piece of paper or fabric on the desk in front of you.

Clap your hands and rub them together as you did in Part One of the exercise.

Hold your hands directly over the dark paper or fabric on the desk and spread the hands about one inch apart, palms facing each other.

Focus your attention on the area between the hands. Allow your eyes to look upon this area in a semi-focused state. What do you see?

Again, move your hands another inch apart. Continue to place your focus between the hands.

Were you able to visually see your own energy? If not, it’s OK! Keep practicing.

Here is a sample exercise that can help you connect with your crystal's energy:
These are taken from the Stepping Stones to Crystal Basics — Crystal Communication Home Study Course available at The Crystal Moon Sanctuary.

Lay a piece of your chosen crystal on a table in front of you.

Take three deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Now hold your hand over the crystal starting at a distance of 1cm.

What do you feel? Are you able to pick up any impressions or pictures? Move your hand up to a distance of 2cm, then 3cm and so forth. What do you feel now?

I feel:

  • Physical Sensations (what type of sensation and where is it located on the body?)
  • Emotional Sensations (what type of sensation and where is it located on the body?)
  • I see (pictures in the mind) or hear (write down whatever it is you hear, be it your voice in your head or someone else's).

Sit the crystal/stone in front of you on a table. (Use a dark fabric or table covering if you have one. This will make it easier to see the energy vibration coming off of a piece.)

Place your feet flat on the floor to connect with the Earth, which will ground you as you begin your exercise.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths (inhale and exhale).

Open your eyes and focus on the crystal/stone in front of you. Observe its colour, its shape, its texture, etc. Write what you see. Be as detailed as possible.

When I look at this crystal/stone, I see:

Pick the crystal/stone up. Again observe it closely. Turn it over in your hands. What do you feel? Is it smooth or rough? Pitted or dented? Do you feel any type of energy? (This could be something as subtle as pinpricks in your hand, a buzzing type of feel or vibration, or a faint pulsation.)

As you hold the crystal/stone, do you receive any impressions? (See any pictures? Hear any “voices” or information, etc?) Do not question. Do not doubt. Write it all down.


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