Collection: Watermelon Tourmaline
Calm, Joy, Love
Be fully present and heart-centred. See beauty in everything around you. Love extravagantly and be a good friend. Live empowered and focus on the positive. Let Watermelon Tourmaline sweeten life!
Chakra: Heart
Elements: Water
Numerology: 2
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Virgo
Birthstone: October
Structure: Hardness of 7-7.5 MOH
Crystal Origin: Tourmaline is found around the world. While Schorl is reliably black, Dravite and Elbaite can appear in a rainbow of colours. Watermelon Tourmaline is highly-desirable variety of bicolored Elbaite. Most are found in Brazil, but they may also come from Afghanistan, Australia, Madagascar, Mozambique, and the United States.
Affirmation: I am at one with the serenity and joy of being.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Watermelon Tourmaline is a stone of love and joy. It helps us to stay fully present, heart-centred, and aware of the beauty of the moment. At such times, we may embody our Highest Self and begin to resemble a Laughing Buddha. Like any fully realized being, that often means we will find humour and delight in everything around us and want to generously share our gifts with the world. Watermelon Tourmaline strengthens the practice of compassion and mercy and can facilitate deep spiritual and emotional healing. It also positively enhances the experience of being in nature and connects us to all beings great and small.
Emotional Healing Properties
Watermelon Tourmaline is an incredible stone for the heart! It increases our capacity to love with wild abandon, to be exquisitely tender, and to offer the hand of friendship to all we meet. Watermelon Tourmaline facilitates all types of relationships, including romantic, familial, and platonic. Watermelon Tourmaline also inspires feelings of safety and security, helping to reduce depression and temper tantrums. This is ultimately a very joyful stone which can help us keep an even keel, able to weather the ups and downs of regular life. With it, we learn that true happiness is created within and with practice it can be maintained regardless of outer circumstances.
Mental Healing Properties
Watermelon Tourmaline teaches diplomacy and tact, helping us to combine logic with emotional sensitivity. It is extremely good for seeing the potential benefit of otherwise negative experiences. Watermelon Tourmaline shows us that all experiences are given to us so that we can grow. While life may have its moments of struggle and strife, life is ultimately good. Moreover, we have the choice to determine where we put our mental energy. Watermelon Tourmaline gently nudges us to focus on the positive.
Physical Healing Properties
Watermelon Tourmaline is recommended for anyone who is struggling to love their own body. This struggle may be caused by unrealistic beauty standards verse the reality of our genetics, injuries and other issues that make it impossible for us to have the body we want. The struggle can also be caused by a more serious body dysmorphia or exasperated by underlying conditions such as depression. Watermelon Tourmaline wraps us up in a big loving energy hug and tells us that we are gorgeous and don’t ever forget it! Watermelon Tourmaline helps us to see and acknowledge beauty, both inside and out, more readily. It asks us to be kinder to our actual body as well as to our self-image. Watermelon Tourmaline is an excellent talisman when there are serious problems with our physical heart. It is also a sweet talisman when we are faced with serious issues affecting our nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis or paralysis.