Collection: Serpentine
Access to Spiritual History of the Earth, Connection with Nature, Kundalini Awakening
Be grounded, independent and empowered. Release old patterns that do not serve you. Strengthen energy healing and spiritual gifts. Activate the Kundali and find your alignment. Let Infinite motivate you to higher vibrations.
Chakra: Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root
Elements: Earth
Numerology: 8
Zodiac: Gemini, Scorpio
Structure: Hardness of 2.5-5.5 MOH
Crystal Origin: Serpentine is so widespread that deposits are found worldwide. The major mining operations are located in Afghanistan, Canada, China, England, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, and the United States.
Affirmation: I commit myself to manifesting the Divine potential that resides in the cells of my physical body and the vibrational pattern of my energy body, and I offer my service to the healing and evolution of the Earth.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Serpentine is a phenomenal meditation stone, both grounding and elevating. It cleanses and aligns the entire Chakra field and opens up psychic channels. It is one of the best stones for exploring Kundalini energy and creating pathways for that energy to rise. Serpentine connects the heart and mind to the natural world and teaches patience. It is particularly useful for “Old Souls” who use earth magic for large-scale healing rituals.
Emotional Healing Properties
Serpentine has an exceptionally soothing energy. It gently helps us to release fear, particularly of change and the unknown, so we can be hopeful for the future. Serpentine also reveals how we can honour our own needs and desires, without feeling guilty. Serpentine encourages us to explore and develop healthy personal boundaries. It is particularly good for women who are healing from sexual trauma, or children who have experienced abuse. Serpentine reduces the strain of emotional manipulation, and replaces it with a desire to be honest and real. It also shows us that when approached correctly, sensuality and sexuality can be a pathway to peace and contentment.
Mental Healing Properties
Serpentine is a wisdom stone, which urges us to live in peace and make healthy choices. It encourages us to actively work to resolve conflicts, rather than negatively engaging or ignoring problems. Serpentine reminds us that we each have responsibility for our own lives and how our lives affect the larger world. This being so, we are called upon to become a little bit wiser and kinder every day.
Physical Healing Properties
Serpentine is a valuable healing tool for treating disorders in all areas of the body. In particular, it is used by metaphysical healers to treat diabetes and hypoglycaemia. It is also said to reduce cramps and menstrual pain, as well as emotional mood swings related to PMS. Serpentine is also believed to help heal sexual dysfunction and increase fertility.