Collection: Ruby
Life Force, Courage, Passion, Strength, Enthusiasm, Adventurousness, Protectiveness
Feel strong, brave, and energized. Attract abundance in all areas. Follow your bliss wherever it leads. Protect, nurture, and love yourself. Let Ruby encourage you to love fiercely!
Chakra: Heart, Root
Elements: Earth
Numerology: 3
Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Birthstone: July, August, December
Structure: Hardness of 9 MOH
Crystal Origin: Corundum is found in several locations, both Ruby and Sapphire are found in Afghanistan, India, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam, and USA.
Affirmation: I embrace my life with joy and passion.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Ruby kindles in us an intense desire to live our lives fully alive! It encourages us to be more spontaneous, curious, brave, and willing to follow our bliss wherever it may lead. Ruby is an essentially positive and life-affirming stone, and thus has no patience for self-destructive behaviours or victim-mentality. Ruby protects against negative energy and encourages us to either transform or let go of anything that does not make us happy or help us grow. Ruby infuses spiritual energy into our everyday lives, and can show us how to live from a spiritual place without needing to retreat from the wider world. Ruby is incredible talisman for manifestation, teaching us how to transform our thoughts and desires, into physical reality.
Emotional Healing Properties
Ruby is a passionate stone that attracts love and friendship, and can helps us to build and maintain healthy relationships. Ruby can also help us to explore our feelings and beliefs about ourselves, especially in regards to body image and/or having the right to feel certain emotions or have various desires. For anyone who feels unworthy or guilty for being who they are, Ruby offers reassurance and affirmation. It is especially good for soothing survivor guilt and holds us safely during PTSD episodes. Ruby acts as a light in the darkness, leading us back to joy whenever we have been caught up in negative emotions. It reminds us that life is good and that we are more powerful and capable than we know.
Mental Healing Properties
Ruby encourages us to be actively involved in our communities and to enjoy social activities. It stimulates our mind, helping us to stay engaged, thoughtful, and able to perform well under pressure. Ruby encourages us to cultivate a sense of nobility, leading by example and taking care of those in need. It reminds us to act according to our true values, rather than just for our base self-interest, and to nurture the best parts of ourselves and our world. Ruby encourages creativity, goal-setting, and active problem-solving. It is also a wonderful abundance stone, helping us to become wealthier and to know how to use that wealth in positive ways.
Physical Healing Properties
Ruby is recommended for anyone seeking a healthier body and a happier life. Ruby helps us to explore our conscious and unconscious beliefs and understand how they manifest in our daily habits and health status. Ruby gives us enough courage and self-love to release negative beliefs and change our lifestyle as desired. If we need additional mental health support, Ruby encourages us to seek it out and to trust the process. It is an excellent talisman for any health issue involving the heart or circulatory system, as well as for fertility problems. Ruby is a wonderful and very friendly supporter when we are physically and emotionally exhausted and need to borrow energy from something beyond ourselves.