Collection: Rhodochrosite

Emotional Healing, Recovery of Lost Memories, Self-Love, Compassion

Attract soul mates, both lovers and friends. Feel secure while expressing emotions. Heal abuse and trauma from the past. Become more compassionate and understanding. Let Rhodochrosite guide you to love wisely and deeply.


Chakra: Solar Plexus, Heart

Elements: Fire, Water

Numerology: 4

Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio

Structure: Hardness of 4 MOH

Crystal Origin: The most important Rhodochrosite deposits are located in Argentina. Additional Rhodochrosite deposits are located in Chile, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, and the United States.

Affirmation: With compassion for myself and others I engage the process of healing from past wounds and I embrace with joy the recovery of my wholeness.


Spiritual Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite evokes the Goddess and the vibration of Divine Love. It invites our spirit and heart to be courageous and compassionate, in alignment with whatever is true and good. Rhodochrosite encourages us to constantly ask “what would love do?” in each situation we encounter, and to respond accordingly. Rhodochrosite also teaches us the art of Lila – or sacred play. It reminds us that playing and laughing are important spiritual activities which nourish our soul. When we joyful embrace life, we honour the Creator and, in so doing, recognize deep in our hearts that we are worthy of the Light that so freely shines down on us.


Emotional Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite gives us new energy, making us more cheerful and less prone to depression. When “all is well” in our own life, Rhodochrosite inspires self-confidence, generosity, spontaneity, and creativity. But when we have suffered trauma and are in emotional pain, its energy shifts to all-encompassing focus on love and comfort. It evokes the wise, fierce, and loving Mother Goddess to hold us and make us whole again. Rhodochrosite is especially good for anyone who has been abused, is suffering from a broken heart, has survivor guilt, or otherwise struggles with feelings of unworthiness. Rhodochrosite gently takes away the pain and helps us to work through our complex emotions; reminding us over and over again, that we are loved, we are seen, and we will be alright.


Mental Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite wakes up our mind and fills it with ideas and encourages us to get to work. It brings an enthusiasm for new projects and keeps us engaged with ongoing activities. Rhodochrosite inspires us to be more curious, which in turn makes work and study more enjoyable and the time speed by faster. Rhodochrosite also encourages us to be more honest and not tend towards denial or avoidance, particularly in regards to serious and uncomfortable problems. It is a wonderful stone to take to therapy sessions or to work with while processing pain from the past/present and fears for the future.


Physical Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite is used by metaphysical healers to treat the reproductive system and sexual disorders, as well as the circulatory and nervous system. It is also said to reduce the frequency of migraines and ease physical withdrawal from substance addictions. Rhodochrosite is believed to help the body eliminate toxins effectively, promoting regularity, and flushing the intestines.


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