Collection: Petrified Wood

Steady Growth, A Strong Body, Past-Life Recall, Patience, Inner Peace

Transform your life gently and patiently. Connect with the natural world and your roots. Be deeply grounded with a firm foundation. Overcome negative emotional patterns and limits. Let Petrified Wood reveal your strength and beauty!


Chakra: Root, Third Eye

Elements: Earth

Numerology: 7

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo

Structure: Hardness of 6.5-7 MOH

Crystal Origin: Petrified Wood often comes from Madagascar and the United States, with smaller amounts from Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Libya, Namibia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand.

Affirmation: I grow and evolve slowly, steadily, with strength and patience, drawing from the lessons of my soul’s history.


Spiritual Healing Properties

Petrified Wood is a wonderful stone for grounding and transformation in every aspect of our lives. It gently nudges us into alignment, with our feet firmly planted on the good Earth and our heads held high to the sky. Petrified Wood is particularly good for people with natural gifts in Earth magic/medicine or anyone who wants to deepen their connection to the natural world. It also makes an excellent talisman for past-life healing and recall, as well as for deepening our ancestral connections. Petrified Palm wood encourages us to slow down, to relax, to worry less and to enjoy the present moment. Petrified Palm Wood Teaches that transformation and manifestation does not need to be hard, but can instead be something we gently allow to happen.


Emotional Healing Properties

Petrified Wood has a very soothing and calm energy. It dissolves false images and emotional fears, and helps us get firmly rooted back in reality. Petrified Wood teaches us patience, and that slow and steady growth will often serve us best. Rather than struggling to change, it encourages us to find the flow that matches our natural strengths so that change is relatively easy. It reminds us that transformation is rarely instantaneous, but if we trust ourselves and take baby steps, change will happen. During times of stress or depression, Petrified Wood helps us focus on what is most important and to find that quiet place of peace and serenity that resides deep within us. It encourages us to take better care of our families and to treat strangers as friends we just have not gotten acquainted with yet. Petrified Palm Wood softly serenades with the promise that all is Love, all is Light, and all will be well.


Mental Healing Properties

Petrified Wood reminds us to keep it simple. It encourages us to take time to relax and just be in the moment. Petrified Wood is particularly useful for examining long-held belief systems and patterns. It helps us determine whether these beliefs and patterns still serve us, and if not, then it assists us in gently releasing them. Petrified Wood helps us to “stop sweating the small stuff” and focus our attention on the things that are within our power and worth our time to positively influence.  It also can help us to get “out of our head” and to listen better to our physical body, our heart, and our spirit.


Physical Healing Properties

Petrified Wood is believed to be one of the very best stones for stabilizing health. It is said to help soothe nerves and stimulate the metabolism. It is also believed to help cleanse and balance the liver and gallbladder. It is most often used by metaphysical healers to strengthen the back and provide alignment for the skeletal system. Petrified Palm Wood in particular is said to be exceptionally relaxing and rejuvenating.


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