Collection: Cinabrite
Alchemy, Magic, Transformation, Insight, Manifestation, Wealth, Mental Agility
Be independent, resilient, and deeply conscious. Embrace and be responsible for positive change. Unite your heart and head for a greater spirituality. Find your purpose and live it with joy and gratitude. Let Cinabrite inspire you to live your own myth!
Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat
Elements: Wind, Water
Numerology: 1, 5
Zodiac: Taurus, Gemini
Structure: Hardness of 2-2.5 MOH
Crystal Origin: The only known deposit for Cinabrite is located in Peru.
Affirmation: I call forth the Divine blueprint of my highest self, and through me the patterns of Spirit manifest in the physical world.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Cinabrite has a sweet questing energy that asks us to look deep within ourselves to find the answers we are seeking. It gives us insights into which parts of ourselves are already perfect and which parts need to be tweaked so that we can enjoy greater peace and happiness in our lives. Cinabrite reveals the divinity within us, our own perfection, and shows us that we contain all the power in the world inside us if we only dare to look closely. Cinabrite can also be used to help us to connect directly with our Highest Self and other spiritual guides such as angels.
Emotional Healing Properties
Cinabrite is a stone for independence and courage. It reminds us that we are capable of changing ourselves and our world. It urges us, gently but firmly, to let go of any attachment to being a victim. Instead, it teaches us to acknowledge the past and present for what they are, and then actively spend our energy working to create a better future. Cinabrite gives us emotional endurance and clarity so that we can achieve our goals and stay the course. It also reminds us to keep a positive outlook and remain hopeful that, given time, Love, Truth, Justice, and Mercy will ultimately win.
Mental Healing Properties
Cinabrite nurtures our eloquence, sense of humour, creativity, and self-confidence. Under its influence we speak both logically and lovingly. It is a fantastic talisman for anyone involved in social justice groups, as well as public speakers, entertainers, writers, teachers, and anyone else who seeks to affect other people’s thoughts and actions. Cinabrite can only be used for good, and constantly reminds us that we must be truthful in our words and deeds. It also reminds us that life is a joyful thing, and that we must not let solemnity colour our perceptions too often. Laughter is good medicine for both the heart and body, and it also serves to make new ideas more palatable and memorable.
Physical Healing Properties
Cinabrite is a very new stone and so has not been widely used for physical treatments. Its two primary mineral components, however, both have strong healing traditions. The white mineral, Scapolite, is believed to help quicken the recovery process after operations and also to provide relief from discomfort in the shoulders and upper body. The red mineral, Thulite, is said to help soothe intestinal disorders. Both minerals are commonly used by metaphysical healers to treat calcium deficiencies.