Collection: Chiastolite

Spiritual, Mysteries, Humble

Explore your spirituality and soul's purpose. Understand the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Be protected from harm, trauma, and ill wishes. Leave behind old patterns and conditioning. Let Chiastolite awaken you to greater consciousness!


Chakra: Root, Crown

Elements: Earth

Numerology: 3, 4

Zodiac: Libra

Structure: Hardness of 6.5-7.5 MOH

Crystal Origin: Chiastolite crystal deposits have been found in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, and the United States.

Affirmation: I will guide and protector during the dark nights of the soul.


Spiritual Healing Properties

Chiastolite calls attention to our own self-awareness and quest for spiritual understanding. It is a stone of rational thinking – dispelling illusions, myths, and outdated beliefs. It helps us to be humble, rather than dramatic. It reminds us that the truth of our spiritual faith is known only to us and the Divine, we do not get any extra credit for bragging about it to others. Chiastolite can reveal to us a glimmer of the beautiful, logical, mystical truth that the Perfect Masters understood so well and that, with time, we too can understand. Chiastolite is a powerful stone for meditation and prayer. Chiastolite is a guide and protector during the dark nights of the soul. Christians in particular are often attracted to this beautiful mineral which speaks of the glory of God and the message of forgiveness and love. It is also commonly used as a talisman to protect us from negative energy in general and curses in particular.


Emotional Healing Properties

Chiastolite has a very calm and grounding energy when we feel nervous or doubtful. It offers us courage, strength, and the knowledge that we are capable of handling anything we are given. It is especially helpful if we are grieving or on “death watch” for a loved one. It helps us to understand and accept the harsh reality of death and the dying process, while also bringing us peace and hope that rebirth and immortality are possible for us and our loved ones. It helps us to stay patient and present, regardless of whether the dying process is quick or slow. If we feel that we are not handling things “the right way,” Chiastolite gently gives us permission to forgive ourselves for whatever sin we think we’ve committed and to do our best to meet our own emotional expectations. Chiastolite strongly encourages us to not allow our emotions to run too wild, but instead to seek out a rational and compassionate perspective. It teaches balance and harmony in all things, particularly between our mind and emotions.


Mental Healing Properties

Chiastolite stabilizes the mind, helping us to think clearly and act rationally. It can help us to understand who we really are and what our great purpose is in this life. It is an excellent stone for anyone who is going though a “mid-life crisis” or a period of self-doubt and despair. Chiastolite stimulates creativity and practicality all at once. It is a wonderful talisman for artists who are scared to put their art out into the world, out of fear that it won’t be understood or appreciated. Chiastolite reminds us that we don’t get to control other people’s thoughts or actions. We are only responsible for ourselves, so we need to act in a way that supports our Highest Good. When our depression or anxiety whispers dreadful thoughts that paralyse us, Chiastolite confidently counters them, asking us “but darling, what if it works?”


Physical Healing Properties

Chiastolite is recommended for elders and as well anyone suffering from a serious debilitating illness or injury. When our physical body isn’t working the way it used to, we may feel resentful or depressed. Chiastolite helps us re-connect with our spiritual nature as a way to accept the reality of the situation and shift our thoughts in a more positive direction. It reminds us that we are still capable of living a rich life if we focus on what we can do, rather than all the things we can’t. Chiastolite is also a particularly comforting stone when we have been given a fatal diagnosis and are preparing for the end. It calms our fears and helps us to believe that our immortal soul will live on. It is a comforting talisman when suffering from rheumatism, never-damage and paralysis.


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