Collection: Blue Jade
Grounding, Uplifting, Harmony, Balance
Be intuitive as well as rationally discerning. Take the higher road and see with perspective. Enhance meditation, prayer, and communication. Act calmly and efficiently during stressful times. Let Blue Jade inspire you to make good choices!
Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
Elements: Earth, Wind
Numerology: 5, 11
Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gamini, Libra
Structure: Hardness of 6-7 MOH
Crystal Origin: Blue Jade is always a variety of Jadeite and is found in Guatemala, Japan, and the United States.
Affirmation: I have calm energy to let go of petty dramas and to stay focused on the bigger picture.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Blue Jade is a rare stone that is both grounding and uplifting at the same time, helping us to explore polarities in our own selves and in our belief systems. It is a stone that sings of serenity and harmony, showing us how to live in balance both within ourselves and with the greater world. Blue Jade is a wonderful tool for helping us to hear our Highest Self and our Spirit Guides, and to follow their wisdom, even when it goes against tradition. Blue Jade encourages us to let go of life’s petty dramas and instead focus on the more important quests for personal and universal Peace.
Emotional Healing Properties
Blue Jade has a calm, soothing energy that is particularly helpful during periods of long-term stress or sudden crisis. It helps us to keep an objective stance and to not allow our emotions to run away with us. Blue Jade instead encourages us to stay calm, to look for practical solutions, and to find good people who can help us restore peace to our lives. In regards to long-term stress, Blue Jade can also help us to recognize that constant stress is in large part a choice and we can make different choices that over time lead to serenity. These changes do not happen overnight, and require a great deal of patience to achieve. Blue Jade promises to help us every step of the way if we earnestly desire true peace.
Mental Healing Properties
Blue Jade has a thoughtful energy, helping us to see situations clearly and not jump to false conclusions. It is known as a “philosopher’s stone” because it encourages us to look at life from a logical point of view, to see systems and patterns, and discover their greater meaning. It encourages tolerance, inclusiveness, and practicality. It is an excellent tool for those who use their words to guide others, including parents, teachers, politicians, and media personalities.
Physical Healing Properties
Blue Jade is recommended for noticing and reducing stress. In our busy modern lives, chronic stress is all too common. Many people don’t notice the way that stress is impacting their physical or mental health, until it is already an extreme situation. Blue Jade invites us to notice the stress while it is still minor and manageable, rather than waiting until stress overwhelms us. For example, when we are stressed, we tend to breath faster and shallower. Blue Jade helps us to notice this when it is happening and to slow down and breathe deeply. Blue Jade is also a lovely talisman for the lungs and any respiratory system health, including asthma and bronchitis.