Feng Shui Helpful People and Travel
We’re heading into winter! This time of year is associated with the metal element – where the vibration of energy starts to return in towards itself It is a time inward focus … taking stock of where we’ve been recently, and preparing for our growth from within. I always find this “yin” time of year an easier time to meditate, write, and “cultivate” myself. Feel free to create such a yin space in your home that supports you in your self-cultivation. If the space is there, it will help you “get into it” easier ( and vice-versa: if there is no space for this function in your home, you will probably never find the time for it.) From now through the winter season, it is always a good idea to refresh your personal space to allow for this growth; especially to give yourself alternatives to the couch potato “new TV season” lifestyle.
Feng Shui and Helpful People and Travel
I wanted to celebrate the Helpful People and Travel gua. For a lot of people it is the least understood gua . This front, right-hand portion of your home, room, or office holds energy for you in two ways:
- It holds energy for you to receive help with any situation in life (and if you’ve read my book you know it is the obvious choice for the “Helpful People Box.”)
- And, as it is the opposite gua to Prosperity known for it’s “receiving” energy, the Helpful People and Travel gua is about “giving”.
Think about all the “feng shui rules” for a second:
1) Like attracts like.
2) Where thought goes, energy flows.
And heck, for good measure, let’s throw in the ol’ “You reap what you sow” rule.
If you spend time giving thanks and actually helping others, you are pretty much guaranteeing you’ll be in the right line for help if you ever need it.
- I’m thankful I’m healthy.
- I’m thankful my family is healthy.
- I’m thankful I have a warm, safe home to live in.
- I’m thankful I have good food to eat.
- I’m thankful I’m safe right now.
- I’m thankful that my book is appreciated by so many.
- I’m thankful I get to speak about feng shui to others as it is what I truly love to do
….. What are you thankful for? Write them down, or say them out loud. Tell the universe- then thank the Universe!
There’s a big difference between having to go it alone with the mantra, “If I don’t do it , it doesn’t get done.” and being in sync with life. When you are in sync, life is easier, more fun, and certainly more interesting.
Being in sync is a wondrous thing. People come out of the woodwork to scoot you along in life. This tends to result in you being more confident, more trusting, and ultimately more abundant and comfortable in life.
The door is along the bottom of this map
If you’d like to have a more synchronous life, try this little feng shui tip. Add items made of metal in the front right-hand area of your home, or another room (where it is grey on this map) – even your office where you work – to enliven the energies for synchronicity. This front, right-hand part of your home or room (based upon where you enter through the door) isn’t called the “Helpful People” gua for nothing! It is the part of the feng shui’s bagua pattern that can literally make life easier for you.
Here are some other items that “equal” metal in the wonderful world of feng shui, so feel free to use them instead or as well:
White, light (pastel) and metallic colours, round objects as well as , of course, wrought iron, brass, aluminium (foil even!), chrome, gold, silver, bronze, copper, nickel, etc.
Although, it isn’t required, I like to think about some specific things that I’d like help with as I do spiff up this area, so when something happens, I am reminded that I’m getting results from my feng shui work!