Crystals and Angels

The archangels are the highest in the angelic hierarchy, which has nine tiers and includes angels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. Our very own guardian angels fall into the angel hierarchy. Archangels are those that rule different days of the week, seasons, planets, elements, and so on. Traditionally, there are seven major archangels – Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel and Zadkiel.  

Each of the archangels corresponds to certain crystal or gemstone energies. Crystals, after all, are of Earth's energy, and they can be excellent amplifiers and conductors of this energy, thus enabling us to communicate, heal and become more “in tune” with the angelic realm.  

As with any crystal, those listed with each of the archangels may not seem “right” to you. In these cases, it's best to go with your intuition and let the stones choose you. The crystals corresponding to each of the archangels are usually also associated with that angel's planet, element, or zodiac sign. If the first one on the list doesn't strike a chord with you, look to the others. For example, if you want to ask help from archangel Michael, and his crystals include amber or golden topaz, and these just don't cut it for you, then try clear quartz crystal or even the sugilite (even though this stone is associated with Jupiter, Air and the sign of Aquarius). Michael is associated with the Sun, so any crystal that is also linked to the Sun, such as citrine, carnelian, tiger's eye or sunstone with also work. Again, go with your gut feeling. Maybe you'd like to use the stones associated with Michael's zodiac signs of Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. That's fine too. As long as you're comfortable.  

So, what do you do with the crystals once you have them? It's really just up to you. Be as creative as you want. Do what feels right to you. If you want to place a few tumbled crystals around a candle associated with a particular angel and ask for his/her aide, then go ahead. If you want to just carry them around in your pocket, or wear them as pendants on that angel's corresponding day of the week for some added comfort or protection, that's fine as well. If you feel comfortable meditating and using visualization to ask your petition, then hold the crystals in your hands or place them around a candle in front of you. There really is no set way, and the choices are endless. Use your imagination.  Even if you have just one crystal, that's all you need. Angels aren't picky, and if you can “feel” the energy from your crystal and are comfortable with it, then you are on the right path. Keep walking a bit further, and we'll look at the archangels and their corresponding crystals together. Come along!


Michael, whose name means “Who is like God” is the leader of archangels. He is usually depicted with a sword and sometimes a set of scales. Michael oversees the weather, agriculture (crops) and the entire natural world. With his sword, he can cut the ties that bind us to unhealthy people or things in our lives that we no longer need. Call on Michael for protection, releasing fear, doubt and negativity, and for strength and illumination. He is also called upon for prosperity and abundance.  

Michael is ruled by the Sun and the element of Fire. His direction is South; his season is summer and his day is Sunday. Michael's colours include gold, yellow, orange and purple. Scents associated with Michael are chamomile, frankincense, rosemary and sage. His flower is the Marigold and he rules over the zodiac signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Crystals associated with Michael are Sugilite, Amber, Golden Topaz and Clear Quartz Crystal

Sugilite is a deep purple crystal and is used to aide in contacting spirit guides and angels. It is linked to the planet Jupiter and the element of water. It can heal energy blockages in your body, and is useful during mediation to develop an increased awareness of the spirit realms and help with astral travel. Sugilite is helpful in healing and gaining insightful wisdom.

Amber, though technically not a crystal but a fossilized tree resin, has been used for centuries to increase psychic powers, relieve anxiety and attract abundance. It is ruled by the Sun and the element of fire. In healing practices, amber can be used to encourage the body to self-heal. It is also used to bring protection, strength and passion.

Golden Topaz, like amber, is associated with the Sun, fire and the zodiac sign of Leo. This stunning yellow crystal is a stone of warmth. It can relieve arthritis symptoms, digestive ailments and even bouts of exhaustion. Golden topaz is also a stone of prosperity and abundance. Like sugilite, it can also be used for astral travel.

Clear Quartz Crystal is probably the most popular "all-purpose" crystal, as it will absorb energy from the sun and aide in healing, bringing energy and vitality to the body and spirit. It is an amplifier of pure energy and, as such, can channel the energy of spirit helpers and angels, creating greater power between us and the angelic realms. The longer you wear or carry this crystal, the more attuned to your body and thoughts it becomes. Clear quartz crystal is also beneficial when placed in the home, as it will promote peace and remove negative energy.


Gabriel is the archangel of the Moon and the element of Water. Gabriel means “God has shown Himself mightily” and may appear as either male or female. Gabriel rules the West, autumn and Monday. Gabriel's colours are silver, white and pale blue, and his/her flowers are Lilies and Honesty. Scents associated with Gabriel are jasmine, rose, eucalyptus and myrrh. Signs of the zodiac ruled by Gabriel are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Crystals that may be used in communicating with Gabriel include Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearls and Selenite.  

Archangel Gabriel may be called upon to fulfil your dreams, bring your ideas into reality and give you courage to overcome your fears. Gabriel is associated with clairvoyance, magic, fertility, childbirth and domestic issues. As an archangel of water, Gabriel can aide in safe travel, especially over water. He/She can also help heal creatures of the water, protect against bad weather and help with problems relating to menstrual cycles (as these coincide with lunar phases).  

Moonstone gets its energy from the Moon, thus making it useful for increasing psychic power and dream remembrance. It is a powerful healing stone, especially for women's issues. Moonstone is also useful in the garden to encourage plant and flower growth. It also protects travellers, calms overactive children and keeps peace in the home.

Aquamarine is the stone of the sea and is ruled by Neptune. This pale, clear blue stone can help with clairvoyance, intuition and meditation. In healing practices, aquamarine alleviates tooth problems, colds, and even seasickness. It's a soothing crystal to have on hand during extreme anxiety or panic attacks. Aquamarine can be used during distance healing.  At home, this crystal can bring back loving communication between partners, and can be helpful with children, especially if they have a fear of water. Use this stone to attract business from overseas. 

Pearls, having come from the sea, are also associated with Gabriel. As with moonstone, pearls are ruled by the Moon.  They can increase love, either romantically or spiritually. Pearls can be used for prosperity and easing an overloaded mind. In healing, pearls can equalize hormonal rhythms with those of the moon and nature. They can also be helpful in removing the ties that bind us to overly-dominant people.  

Selenite, another moon and water crystal, is an excellent crystal to develop communication with spirit guides, angels and ancient ones. In healing, it is used to regulate fluid flowing throughout the body. It can also help our bodies absorb calcium (useful for those with osteoporosis, like myself). Selenite helps with communication between partners and family members and it can also help with telepathic animal communication.


Raphael is the archangel of healing and knowledge. His name means “God heals” and he often appears carrying a medicine jar and a staff, or walking stick, as he is also the patron of travellers. He is usually surrounded by a glowing green aura. Raphael is ruler of the planet Mercury and the element of Air. His direction is East, his season is Spring, and his day of the week is Wednesday. Raphael's colours are yellow and green. Scents associated with Raphael are lavender, lily of the valley, mint, bergamot and thyme. His flower is the Iris.  Raphael rules the air signs of the zodiac – Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Crystals linked to this healing archangel include Malachite, Citrine, Aventurine and Yellow Calcite.

Raphael may be called upon, not only for healing, but safe travel (especially by air), new business ventures, purification, issues involving technology, written works, and buying or selling. He is particularly fond of children, so if you have a sick child, ask Raphael for healing help. He can also aide in memory improvement, exam-taking and learning a new language.

Malachite may be associated with Venus and the earth element, but because of its healing abilities, it has been linked to Raphael. This stunning, vibrant green gemstone has bands of deeper green, sometimes forming swirling patterns. As a healing stone, it is helpful in recharging the immune system, relieving migraines and strengthening the heart. Malachite can also be used to attract luck and money and is also an invaluable stone at home or work to shield us from harmful electromagnetic fields, such as those from electronics or telephone poles.

Citrine is a crystal of Mercury and the air element. In healing practices, it can be used for allergies, skin problems and digestive issues. This pale yellow crystal can also be used during meditation and visualization, making your thoughts and dreams become reality. Citrine can be a powerful prosperity crystal as well.

Aventurine is another green stone associated with Raphael because of its healing attributes. It heals the eyes and helps with anxiety as well as heart palpitations. Aventurine is also a prosperity stone, often referred to as “the gambler's stone” for it brings luck, especially in games of chance. It can aide in clairvoyance, psychic dreaming and seeing into the future. Aventurine is well-liked by nature spirits, so leaving a small tumbled stone outdoors, perhaps by a tree or tucked into a flower pot, may keep faeries from behaving too mischievously.

Another yellow crystal affiliated with archangel Raphael is Yellow Calcite. This crystal is a gentle healer, often used for distance healing. It's also beneficial for painful joints, bones and muscles. It also releases stress, increases creativity and gives us a return back to that feeling known as “fun”. Yellow calcite is also called a wishing stone and may increase psychic awareness, prosperity and strength, be it spiritual or physical.


I'll admit that, in doing research for archangel Uriel, there was quite a bit of conflicting information. Some references stated that Uriel was ruler of the planet Mars, while others mentioned Uranus. Some said he ruled over winter, others summer. Days of the week were either Tuesday or Wednesday. Naturally, it gave me a headache, not to mention a bit of a panic attack. I mean, really, how were people supposed to use this as a reference if the information is so contradictory? I worry about things like this. So, I sat quietly and asked Uriel for some help. I kept getting the same answer repeatedly, in my head, “Include it all and let them choose.” That said, I will leave it up to you to decide what feels right to you.  

Archangel Uriel is, indeed, the angel of transformation. His name means “the fire of God” and his direction is North. He usually appears carrying a flaming sword. Scents associated with Uriel are sandalwood, ginger and basil, and his flowers are the gentian and red hot poker. His colour is red and the crystals affiliated with him are Hematite, Obsidian, Tiger's Eye and Rutilated Quartz.   

Archangel Uriel is linked to the arts, magic, ideas, astrology and protection. He is adept at turning our negative emotions, such as anger, fear and despair into positive feelings that will enable us to be stronger and therefore better equipped to bring about positive change in our lives or situations. He is the one that can take adversity and turn it into blessings. When you need change, call upon Uriel; for inspiration, spiritual guidance and discovering your own true potential.  

Hematite is ruled by fire and the planet Mars. It can be used for astral travel by grounding you this earth plane. It's an incredibly powerful stone for self-healing purposes, especially when held over or rubbed against a painful or inflicted area, as it can draw out the pain or infection. This silvery-black stone cleans the blood, strengthens muscles and lowers blood pressure. It is often used as a grounding stone and can dispel negativity.  

Another black crystal linked to Uriel is Obsidian, which is actually a form of volcanic glass, and so is linked to the element of fire. Also a grounding stone, obsidian is usually placed between the feet in chakra layouts. It's a protective stone, especially against negative psychic energy and those associated with electromagnetic fields. It's always a good idea to keep one near a computer (along with malachite).  

Tiger's Eye, with it's gleaming bands of honey-gold and brown, is a stone of prosperity, luck and money. It can alleviate cravings, such as those associated with tobacco, alcohol, drugs and even food. It detoxifies the body and can give you an added boost of energy during times of weakness or physical exhaustion. Tiger's eye is linked to the Sun and the element of fire.  

Rutilated Quartz is quartz crystal with bands, or rutiles, of yellow inside. It is an excellent crystal to have when you want to contact your guardian angels or communicate with others in the spirit or angelic realms. It is also used to enhance telepathy and clairvoyance. In healing practices, rutilated quartz may benefit those suffering from chronic bronchitis or asthma. It strengthens our auras and cleanses our systems.


The next Archangel on our tour of the angelic realm is Archangel Chamuel, the archangel of Adoration and Courage. His name means “He who seeks God” and he is ruled by the planet Mars, the element of fire and the zodiac sign of Aries. His day is Tuesday and his colours are ruby red or pale green. Chamuel often appears wearing armour. His scents include mint, geranium, neroli and ginger. Crystals often associated with Chamuel are Red JasperBloodstoneCarnelian and Pink Tourmaline.

Call on Chamuel when you feel yourself beginning to feel a bit of self-loathing or if you're spreading yourself too thin, always doing for everyone else before yourself. Chamuel will help you to adore yourself and practice a bit of self-love. It's alright to take some time for yourself. Chamuel is also an angel of peace and divine justice. He guards the innocent and gives us strength to overcome. He is the patron of surgeons, air traffic controllers, hairdressers, animal conservationists and those involved in peacekeeping missions.  

Red Jasper is an opaque form of chalcedony and it has an earthy red colouring, much like red clay. It is a stone of Mars and the element of Fire. It is also a stone for the zodiac sign of Aries. Red jasper was often called the warrior's stone, as it was thought to bring strength and courage to those who wore it. Likewise, it has been used as a symbol of fertility. Native Americans consider it a sacred stone, for red jasper was thought to be the blood of the earth. In healing practices, it regulates the blood and its circulation, thus bringing warmth to those cold hands and feet. Red jasper is also an energy stone, bringing you a sense of vigour and vitality. In magical uses, it can be used to send negative energy back to the sender, offering you protection from harm, be it psychic or physical.  

Bloodstone is another of archangel Chamuel's stones that can be helpful in cleansing the blood. It is a deep green stone with flecks of red and is also associated with Mars, Aries and the Fire element. In healing, Bloodstone is often used for liver, kidney, intestine, and bone marrow problems. This powerful healing stone is also beneficial for women's issues such as menstruation and menopausal symptoms. Bloodstone is also an excellent stone for athletes and anyone who could use a little more stamina during physical activity. Bloodstone also encourages you to believe in yourself and helps give you the courage to achieve your goals.  

Another red stone linked to Chamuel is Carnelian, also associated with the element of Fire. This stone is more translucent than red jasper, and not as deep in coloring. Still, it's a powerful protection stone, giving you added courage and strength. Like the Bloodstone, Carnelian is a blood-cleanser and can also speed recovery time from illness or injury. Carnelian can also give you the courage to be yourself, rather than living by everyone else's expectations. This red/orange stone can also bring success and luck, especially in business ventures. It protects your home from fire, storms and other dangers. 

Pink Tourmaline is affiliated with Chamuel because of its ability to relieve us of past fears and pain, thus enabling us to get rid of bad patterns and move forward, better able to love who you are. This lovely pink form of tourmaline is also used to channel or communicate with spirit guides and also protects against negativity. In healing, it helps with chronic lung ailments, relieves coughs, eases anxiety and reduces stress.


Our next visitation brings us to Archangel Jophiel (also written as Iophiel or Zaphiel), the angel of Creative power and Illumination. His name means “beauty of God” and he sometimes appears as a very tall angel (over 9 feet) wearing a yellow cloak and carrying a flaming sword. Jophiel is another guardian over the Tree of Knowledge, alongside Uriel. He is the archangel of artists, craftspeople, researchers, inventors, builders, film-makers, bakers and photographers.

Jophiel's ruling planet is Mercury and the element of Air. His day is Wednesday and his colour is deep yellow. Scents given to Jophiel are lavender, orange, myrrh, and lemongrass. Crystals associated with archangel include Ametrine, Smoky Quartz and Rutilated Quartz.

Call upon archangel Jophiel when you need help learning something new, especially with spiritual matters. When you need inspiration, Jophiel is the one to ask. He also helps us realize untapped abilities we never even knew we had. Jophiel can “unjumble” the chaos that sometimes overwhelms our minds, bringing about clearer thoughts and more organized ways of thinking. Jophiel also aides those who fight for environmental issues and wish to bring about change in the world.

Ametrine is actually an usual combination crystal that is composed of Amethyst and Citrine. It is purple and yellow and helps to increase creativity as well as improve your focus. It can help with spiritual awareness, aiding in angelic and spirit guide communication (even animal spirit guides). Great for workaholics, Ametrine helps rebalance your life between home, work and spirit. In healing practices, Ametrine reduces cravings, such as nicotine, and replaces negative energy with positive.

Smoky Quartz is a translucent, smoky brown variety of quartz crystal. Despite the fact that it is linked to Saturn and the Earth element, Smoky Quartz is associated with archangel Jophiel because of its ability to release negative energy from your body back into the earth, making you feel more “in the moment” and at peace. It brings optimism and protects you from electromagnetic fields. It is said to relieve both physical and mental blocks. Smokey quartz can also alleviate lower back, hip and leg pain.

Rutilated Quartz (see also Archangel Uriel) is clear quartz with yellow bands, or rutiles on the inside of the crystal. It a crystal of the Sun and the Fire element, but its link to Jophiel is in the way it encourages us to explore new possibilities. If you're looking to make a change in your life, Rutilated quartz will enable you to unleash all those untapped abilities, therefore letting you open yourself up to new opportunities and ideas. It is an excellent crystal to use when calling angels and spirit guides.


The last stop on our angelic tour brings us to Archangel Zadkiel (sometimes written as Tzadkiel, Zachiel or Zedkiel), the angel of comfort, prayer and abundance. He is the gentlest of the archangels and his name means “Righteousness of God”. Zadkiel rules the planet Jupiter and the element of air. His colours are sky blue or violet and his day of the week is Thursday. Scents affiliated with Zadkiel include sandalwood, ylang ylang, bergamot, rosemary and nutmeg. His flower is the violet. Crystals associated with this kind but brave angel include Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Blue Chalcedony and Lapis Lazuli.

You can invoke the aid of archangel Zadkiel when you feel despair, depressed and in need. He is often depicted holding a dagger and is surrounded by a blue or violet light. Zadkiel is especially fond of children and will often come to their aide. He may also be called upon for abundance (be it spiritual or material), improving memory, seeking forgiveness from others who have wronged us, and achieving justice. He guides those in the alternative-medicine fields, such as aromatherapists, Reiki masters, and   masseurs, as well as librarians, interpreters, cashiers and psychiatrists.  

Although linked to Neptune, Blue Lace Agate is considered both a Water and Air stone. It is a crystal of Zadkiel's because of its gentle ability to distill calm, peaceful energy. This banded pale blue agate is useful in reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, relieving headaches and alleviating painful joints and bones. It is a peace keeping stone which, if placed in your home, will eradicate negative energies and keep conversations from becoming confrontational. I keep two of these stones on our kitchen table, and have found that, with two teenage sons and an Italian husband, dinnertime has become much more agreeable and even fun again. And, because of my osteoarthritis, I also keep one in my pocket on those days when I feel my hips getting painful.  

Amethyst is another crystal ruled by the Air element. This purple crystal is a powerful healing stone for the mind as well as the body. It's also a calming stone, bringing restful sleep, relief from tension headaches, migraines and eyestrain. Amethyst can ease stressful situations and even calms hyperactive pets. It's been a stone of royalty for centuries, used to bring about prosperity. Place an Amethyst under a child's pillow (or, for small children, under the mattress) to keep nightmares at bay.  

Blue Chalcedony is a soft blue crystal useful in telepathy, whether it's used for communicating with animals, plants or spirit guides. Physically, it helps with seasonal allergies, kidney and gall stones, and fluid retention. It's a learning stone, aiding us in tackling a new language or understanding complex technologies, such as computers (wish I knew this ten years ago).  

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of Jupiter and the Air element. This royal blue crystal has been used for centuries, from the Ancient Egyptians to Native Americans for its wonderful healing benefits. It's also a stone of wisdom and increases psychic awareness and protection. Lapis calms an excited household and, in healing practices, it relieves pain and inflammation, especially of the nervous system. It instills it's wearer with a burst of self-confidence and the courage to meet life's little challenges.


Despite the title, the archangels in this last instalment of this series are by no means less important than the previous, greater archangels. The lesser archangels are still powerful beings in their own right. They are angels of specific energy forms and inspirational guides. Although their numbers vary, the following are the most common: Ariel, Azrael, Haniel, Metatron, Raguel, Raziel and Sandalphon. Some, like Metatron and his twin brother, Sandalphon, used to be human. Some of these angels have ruling planets while others, such as Raguel, rule weather phenomena. Each of the archangels however, has crystals associated with him/her. Be sure to click on the crystal's name to obtain further information.

Archangel Ariel

Ariel is the archangel of Nature. This is another archangel who may be male or female. My intuition is going with female, but you can decide for yourself. Ariel means “Lion of God” and she is ruled by Saturn, the element of air and is best called upon on Saturday. Ariel heals animals, both wild and domestic, and generally all of nature. She is guardian over the nature spirits, such as faeries and elves, sylphs and undines. Ariel's associated crystals are Apatite, Agate (especially Moss and Tree agates) and Jasper (such as the Leopardskin and Dalmatian varieties). She is patron of veterinarians, breeders, archaeologists, civil engineers, and animal rescue workers.

Archangel Azrael

Azrael is the angel of life's natural cycles – living and dying – and of journeys. He is ruled by Tuesday, the planet Mars and the element of earth. Azrael's name means “Whom God helps” and he is most often helpful during times of grief and bereavement. Crystals associated with Azrael are Yellow Calcite, Amethyst, and Purple Fluorite.

Archangel Haniel

Haniel rules Fridays and the planet Venus, as well as the element of water. Haniel's name means “Glory of God” and he is the angel of the West wind, growth, love and healing (especially alternative medicine). He can be called upon for matters dealing with children, marriage, artistic endeavours, natural preservation and music. Haniel's crystals are Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite and Chrysoprase.

Archangel Metatron

Metatron, who was formally the prophet Enoch, is now head of the Akashic Records, or God's archives. He is the angel of Thought. Metatron rules Sundays, the element of Fire and the planets Pluto or the Sun. He presides over all our guardian angels and often appears with a scroll and pen. Metatron, though an imposing angel, is quite gentle, often helping children who have passed over. He may be called upon when you are changing to a new path in life, learning opportunities, and helping children with learning disabilities. Crystals linked to Metatron are Sardonyx (which is banded Onyx), Mahogany Obsidian and Red or Orange Aventurine.

Archangel Raguel

Raguel is the archangel of snow and ice. He also governs the behaviour of the other angels. He carries a flaming sword that he may use to melt the snows of winter. Raguel's name means “Friend of God” and he creates harmony and understanding in relationships that may be experiencing discord. Raguel's crystals are Milky Quartz and Moonstone.

Archangel Raziel

Raziel is the archangel of Secrets and the mysteries of life. His name means “Secret of God” and he is guardian over mystical knowledge. He often appears in shadow, as a misty fog and may be called upon for psychic learning, dream interpretation, the cause or root of an illness, spiritual understanding and using natural resources wisely. Raziel's planet is Neptune, his day of the week is Saturday and his element is Air. Raziel is patron of astrologers, scientists, clairvoyants, and even Secret Service workers.  His crystals are Peridot, Apache Tears, and Aqua Aura Crystals.

Archangel Sandalphon

Sandalphon was Metatron's twin brother, the prophet Elijah. His name means “Brother” and he is considered one of the Seraphim. Sandalphon is the archangel of Power and he oversees strength, prosperity and beauty. He gives us the joy of living and is also given the task of looking after unborn children. He may be called upon for issues concerning pregnancy, fertility and birth. Sandalphon also helps release emotional blocks, fear, guilt and aggressive tendencies. This angel is the patron of musicians, journalists, nurses, pediatricians and midwives. The planet Jupiter rules this archangel, as does the element of Earth. His day is Thursday and crystals linked to Sandalphon are Turquoise and Calcite (any variety).


I hope that you enjoyed our walk through the angelic realm of the archangels. It was quite a challenge for me, but the knowledge I gained in writing this series has been invaluable. If you're like me, you'll be keeping sticky notes all over about which crystal is linked to which archangel, etc. Remember this, though: if you don't yet have a particular crystal, don't panic. Clear Quartz crystal is a fine substitute. And always go with your “gut” feeling.

Asking the angels for help is something that brings them joy. It is, essentially, what they are here to do. And if you call upon an angel on a day of the week other than what is attributed to him/her, it doesn't matter all that much. After all, our concerns, illnesses, problems and fears don't pick a particular day of the week to manifest. If you want to call on an angel, please do so. And if you happen to see a feather on the sidewalk as you go to pick up your mail; a penny sitting on the basement stairs; a ringing in one ear or, as my son claimed recently, the fleeting “smell of maple syrup”, then the angels are listening and perhaps they have something to say. Sit down, get comfortable, be quiet and listen.... 

I would like to thank the members of the angelic realm who assisted me in the writing of this series, especially when I got stuck, conflicted, confused and ready to pull out my hair. Thank you for your guidance, especially Archangel Jophiel.


We’ve all found ourselves asking (out loud or to ourselves) for assistance from the Universe from time to time, although many people may not even realize it at the time. For example, you’re on your way to a job interview and you say (or think), “Oh, please let me get this job.” Or in other situations you may find yourself saying, “Please let me pass this exam,” or “Keep my kids safe.”  What we’ve been doing all along is calling on our angels for assistance or guidance. When you put a question or intention out into the Universe, the angels, which happen to be messengers and guides, hear your call for aid and are prepared to help. And, since angels are energetic beings and crystals are energetically-charged conduits, it stands to reason that using crystals to communicate with our angels is a match, well, made in Heaven, so to speak.

So, how do you communicate with the angels using crystals? Ask yourself this: do I want to speak with a particular angel (my guardian angel, an Archangel, or another angel that resonates with a particular issue/day/month/zodiac sign, etc.), or do I want to speak with, basically, any one of the angels who may help with my situation? You might want to learn your own guardian angel’s name and this is done by simply sitting quietly, clearing your mind, and just asking. You may get a picture in your mind, or a name or nothing at all...yet. Sometimes it takes a while, but you may get a “sign” a few hours or days later, where a certain name keeps popping up in your mind or you see that name written in numerous places over time.

Another method of finding your angel’s name is by writing down the letters of the alphabet on index cards or small pieces of paper, spreading them out and, using a pendulum, allow it to move over the letters. You may find that the letters are jumbled, so you might have to rearrange them.  

Now that you have your angel’s name, and have that “warm and fuzzy” feeling of being safe and secure surrounded by hugging arms (admit it, you do!), you can start to communicate with your angel wherever and whenever you want.  How cool is that? Of course, you can always just ask the angels in general for guidance and either way, you’re going to want to have some crystals on hand to help with your communication. Crystals are like sound waves or giant speaker systems that send our intentions/questions out into the Universe so that the angels can hear them better.

What crystals does one use and how? Clear Quartz crystals, especially spheres, are the most universal stones to use when communicating with the angelic realm. Just holding one in your hand, clearing your mind and stating your intention or question is all it takes. You can always carry (tumbled) or wear your crystals (jewellery) throughout the day. Some angels, such as the Archangels, resonate with certain crystals better than others. In addition to Clear Quartz, for example, Archangel Michael is associated with Agate, Amber, Herkimer Diamond, Imperial Topaz and Rainbow Aura Quartz. However, as a general rule of thumb, here is a list of crystals that can aide in angelic communication in no particular order:

Amethyst     Angelite     Celestite     Aqua Aura Quartz     Fluorite     Selenite     Phantom Quartz     Rose Quartz     Rutilated Quartz     Seraphinite     Apophyllite

By no means exhaustive, these crystals can better enhance your communication with higher realms. Use your intuition or “gut” feeling when choosing crystals, as some angels will actually choose them for you, giving you a bit of a nudge in the right direction. Whether you are holding the crystal in your hand or carrying it around in a pocket or purse, you can be sure that your angel is listening and guiding you. Blessings to you all!


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